There’s no great “trade secret” as to how to reset the service indicator lamp on most Peugeot / Citroen, simply refer to pages in the Owner’s Handbook!
For reference of those interested in such matters, but who might not have access to an owner’s manual, this is the procedure to follow:
1) Ensure “ignition” key is turned off.
2) Depress and hold the odometer reset button whilst turning the “ignition” switch to the on position.
3) Keep the odometer reset button depressed for 10 seconds whilst the service display counts down from 10 to 0. When the count down reaches zero the spanner icon will vanish from the display and the service indicator will be reset.
Note 1: When reset, the service indicator is actually reset to 9,500 miles. The mileage that the car accumulates henceforth is subtracted from 9,500 miles, until 9,500 miles have elapsed at which point the service indicator icon will reappear inorder to warn the driver that the next service is imminent. Any mileage accumulated beyond 10,000 miles since the last reset will be indicated with a minus sign displayed infront of the mileage to indicate by how much a service is overdue.
Note 2: To the best of my knowledge, the above service light reset procedure applicable to most Peugeot cars, most Citroen cars and most Fiat cars with the exception of the Fiat Stilo. (Also applicable to car derrived vans from the above ranges).
solved the problem, i found a TSB explaing what to do when this happens, and than i found a realy good HOW TO.
Practicly you need to reset the hand brake cylinder by:
1. Disconect batery for 5 minutes (this means if your car is 2007> you will have to go to dealer so he can put the code for radio thru some GEKO system othervise you cant use the radio!)
2. Connect the batery.
3. Dont start the car only give contact (many lights go on )
4. pres and hold the brake while presing the hand brake 2 times on and 2 times off. (i waited 30 seconds betven “on” and “off” cause the manual i found wasnt very clear)
5. Than i pussehd the cylinder back with hands, (Be carful not to turn it!!!) only push it straight i did it by hand.
6. Put everything back, deleted the fault codes and started all over again like manual said on the previous post.
I did everything like it said but at the end i end up with P on the dash light up, than i only deleted the fault codes from controler 53 – Hand brake and it worked like a charm!
1. Park your car on a level surface. If you have a stick shift car make sure the car is in gear. Do not set the parking brake. Place blocks in front of the front tires so the car does not move while you are working on it.
2. Open the hood of your car and locate the master cylinder. If necessary, remove brake fluid until the level in the container is less than half full. A turkey baster is a good tool for this. Put the brake fluid in the plastic container and dispose of it the way you dispose of motor oil.
3. Raise the rear end of your car with your car jack. Remove the rear tire or wheel assembly.
4. Remove the parking brake cable from the back of the caliper. Use the pliers to remove the cable clip (restraining clip).
5. Use the socket wrench to remove the upper mounting bolt from the caliper. If the upper guide pin moves while you do this, use a back-up wrench to hold the upper guide pin.
6. Rotate the caliper downward, pivoting it on the lower caliper bolt. Remove the inner and outer brake pads from the caliper.
1. Turn the caliper piston clockwise to retract it into the caliper housing. Insert the new brake pads into the caliper.
2. Swing the caliper upward and into place. Apply a thin coat of thread locking compound to the bolt and use the socket wrench to tighten the bolt to 271 inch lb. (35 Nm).
3. Reattach the parking brake cable to the caliper.
4. Replace the tire wheel assembly. Lower the car to the ground.
5. Pump the brake pedal a few times to seat the brake pads. Do this before trying to move your car.
6. Add fluid to the master cylinder container to replace any you removed before you removed the old brake pads.
7. Season the brake pads by making only gentle stops when you are driving for the first week after you install the new brake pads. Try not to do any hard stopping when you are seasoning the brakes.
For oil press and hold the right hand button on the cluster – oil will appear in the display – release right hand button then turn left hand button clockwise until —– appears.
For insp prees and hold right hand button – turn on ignition – release button then press and release button again – insp will appear in the display – turn left hand button as before until —– appears.
note: if you’re clearing the insp service sometimes it’s neccessary to clear the oil service afterwards (if it wasn’t done at oil service)
Page 52 of the Owner’s Manual gives the answer to this:
1. Switch off the ignition and press the reset knob of the trip counter below the speedometer and hold.
2. Switch on the ignition and release the reset button, one of the service events appear in the display.
3. It is possible to switch between the the readouts of the service events by briefly pressing the reset button.
4. When the particular service event is displayed, turn the button for setting the digital clock to the right, “service—” appears in the display.
5. Switch off the ignition. Only now is the service event reset.
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