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How to reset the service light on your Chevy Cavalier

1. Make sure the light is has a wrench icon. This article is not intended to help reset a “service engine” light.

2. Without turning on your car, turn the key to the right and you’ll see all of your dash lights come on.

3. Press on the brake 4 times. On the 4th time, hold the brake petal down for 30 seconds and release. This should reset the light.

4. Always always always contact your mechanic! This trick was told to me by my mechanic because I saw the light and took it in for servicing. I went to a non-dealer mechanic, but after they ran a diagnostic, they couldn’t find anything wrong. I called my GM mechanic and they suggested that if noting was found wrong, it was probably a light that needed to be reset. I plan to take it in for a tune-up soon but knowing that nothing serious was wrong was a nice weight off my shoulders and my wallet!

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